
Conant Says Help Europe With Men

"We must send to Europe as many ground troops as Eisenhower needs," President Conant told a Boston meeting of the Dartmouth Alumni Association last night. He went on to add that unless Russia is confronted by a strong armed force, her temptation to take over Europe would be great.

Conant is testifying before the House Armed Services Committee this morning. He advocates an 18 year-old draft.

A law drafting 18-year-olds would let men who plan to attend college "get their military service over with" before they begin their studies, he said. At the same time, added Conant, it would draft those who intend to enter industry, before they reach vital jobs from which they would later be keenly missed.

Student attitudes have changed tremendously in the past year, he said. "When I used to visit the Houses," he said, "they asked me to lower the board rates or to have a hockey rink built. This year all the students' questions seriously concerned themselves with the present crisis."

"In my college days before 1914," he said, "none of us conceived of the possibility of another war. Today's students could be as wrong as we were then. The second half of this century may yet be one of peace."
