
Council Asks Lamont to Alter Fine System, Book Deadline

The Student Council last night voted to recommend that Lamont Library institute a 9:15 a.m. deadline for all reserve books and change the fining system so that overdue books would not be charged the full 75 cents until 10:15 a.m.

After a report from Thomas W. Hoya '53 on Lamont's method of book fining, Richard E. Johnson '53 recommended that the library not charge for books until 9:15 a.m. Richard L. Bushman '53 then motioned that books coming in after 9:15 be fined 50 cents; those in after 10:15, be charged another 25 cents.

The Council heard an informal talk by Paulo Martins, President of the Union of Students in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Martins said that the communists have flooded the country with propaganda. To counterack this, America should continue their exchange projects.

The Council also set up a Mobilization Committee to advise students on the draft and other facets of mobilization; agreed to send a delegation the the Massachusetts Legislature; and appointed David L. Stark '53, a full member of the Council.
