
Sculptor Is Searching For Perfect Skeleton In University's Close

Harvard University has the "most perfect" human skeleton somewhere in its closet, and Carroll M. Williams, association professor of Zoology, would like to know exactly where.

The Economic Cooperation Administration has written Williams--on behalf of a leading Portugese sculptor--asking for the photographs of "the most beautiful human skeleton in the world . . . that of a healthy man, who was developed in a perfect manner."

The skeleton should be somewhere an the University, according to E.C.A., having been brought from Paris some years ago by a faculty member.

"Man and Horse in Art"

Maitre da Silva, the sculptor, would the pictures to illustrate his forthcoming book on "The Man and the Horse in Art According to the artist, the publication of these photographs will help "to justify certain laws of aesthetics."


E.C.A. would be surprised that Williams is having trouble locating the bones for the skeleton is a celebrity on the other side of the Atlantic. Mention was made of it in the well-known book, "Esthetique des Proportions dans la Nature of dan Arts."

Williams is concerned lest an international incident develop and is determine to locate the skeleton.
