A recent warning from the Garden-Arena Corporation indicates that College hockey teams may have to look elsewhere for ice next year. The warning announced the probability a substantial cut in the time allotted to the Crimson six for practice, effective next year. Nothing was said about game ice.
Carroll F. Getchell, business manager the Athletic Association, said that next year's hockey team may he "Up against a stone wall. We'll probably try to use the Skating Club a good deal more next year," he added.
Drive Falled
Getchell paid that last year's drive to raise $700,000 for a new, inclosed hockey rink never really go started. "Whatever there was of it is dead now," he continued.
Former Coach John P. Chase '28, starting the drive with a $1,000 contribution last year. At that time there were hopes that a new rink might be constructed in the near future.
Since then, however, the amount contributed for the rink has grown to only $4,042.00. "The University won't give it the green light to of after contributions," Chase said yesterday. "We had two donors who might have contributed substantial funds, but we weren't allowed to approach them. Since then, one has died and the other has lost interest in the project."
The Athletic Association set the price of the rink at $700,000. Of this, $400,000 as for actual construction; the addition- al funds were required by the University as a permanent endowment fund for up-keep and improvement.
The H.A.A.," explained Getchell, "felt it should have a covered rink. We also need to accommodate large crowds and hence we felt that a rink similar to the one Andover Academy constructed wasn't quite what we needed."
Andover Rink Success
Andover recently raised $75,000 for an outdoor uncovered hockey surface and completed building early in the year. "The rink has been a great success, proving completely sufficient for practice and games," according to Hart Leavitt, Andover hockey coach. "We've had ice in 60-degree weather and we played 52 out of a possible 67 days this year."
Getchell stated that there has been considerable speculation as to the possibility of an Andover-type rink, but that new government restrictions and rising costs would make one impossible at the present time
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