
Cliffe By-Law Axes Bid For Class Position

Removal of Crampton's Name From Radcliffe Ballot Raises Standards Rule Controversy

Elimination of the name of Phoebe Champion '52, former Council secretary, from yesterday's 'Cliffe class officer ballots, has failed to solve an Annex constitutional dilemna for both the Dean's Office and the Radcliffe Student Council.

According to a constitutional by-law, every student below group five in academic standing may run for office only with the Council's consent. Until yesterday, the applicability of the rule had never been retied.

Before presenting her nomination to the Council, Miss Crampton received Dean's Office approval. In a meeting last Sunday, the Student Council also enforced her inclusion on the class office ballot which went to the voters yesterday.

Two Council members who did not attend the Sunday gathering, however, partitioned for a reconsideration of the matter the following evening. A second role on the question rejected Miss Crampton's nomination.

The general question of Student Council supervision of undergraduate elections will be considered by that body at a meeting tomorrow. According to members, a strong division on the matter has developed within the student body.
