
Yale, Army Slightly Favored Over Crimson in Heptagonal

With entries in every event but the 100-yard run, the Crimson track team will try this afternoon and evening to improve last year's third place record in the annual Indoor Heptagonal Track Meet.

Yale and Army, one and two in 1950, will once again be slight favorites both in the afternoon field events in Yale's Coxe Cage in New Haven and evening races at the 102nd Regiment Armory in New York. Ten Eastern colleges are participating. The Elis have defending champions in sprinter Corson Ellis, vaulter Neil King, their second-best vaulter, and an almost intact two-mile relay team. The West Pointers return with titlists Dick Shea, two miler, and Harold Shultz, hurdler.


Ronnie Berman should run it out with Cornell's Charley Moore for the 600 championship, and the Crimson will have scoring threats in almost every event. Jerry Kanter and Al Wilson have been strong with the weights, and Dick Barwise in the high jump and Bob Mello and Bill Geick in the broad jump can score. In the pole vault, Mello will meet strong competition.

Dick Weiskopf and Charlie Durakis are in the dash and hurdles, respectively, with Bob Tweihell competing in both events. Paul Judy will run with Dave Cairns in the mile and Dave Gregory and Dick White are entered in the two-mile. The mile-relayers can do well, although the two-mile combination is still weak.
