Every member of the Class of 1954 who applies can expect to be taken into one of the Houses next fall, Associate Dean Robert B. Watson '37 announced yesterday. As a result, the University next year plans to close down Claverly, Apley and the fifth floor of Dudley, which in the past have accommodated the housing overflow.
Freshman House applications went out in the University mail today. They will be due at the Housing Office, 8 Weld Hall, on April 12, allowing freshmen three weeks (exclusive of spring recess) in which to make up their minds. During that period, they will be interviewed at the Houses of their choice and will have opportunities to hear representatives of Houses speak at the Union.
Watson emphasized yesterday that the College bases its plans to accept 100 percent of the freshman class on the assumption that total enrollment will be reduced by the draft next fall. If the situation changes during the summer, some revisions may have to be made. For that reason, the University has made no decision as yet for converting the outlying Houses to other uses.
The CRIMSON will publish tomorrow a special guide to the Houses for freshmen.
In line with the proposed 100 percent acceptance of the Class of '54, no non-resident assignments will be made this spring. Upperclassmen now living in the outer houses will be taken into Houses on a priority basis.
Lists of consultation hours at the various Houses are being compiled today by the Housing Office, and a schedule of appointments for next week will be carried in tomorrow's CRIMSON.
Freshmen currently have inter-House eating privileges which will continue until the spring recess begins on April 1. Consultation hours at the Houses will start next Wednesday and continue through April 10. Watson suggested yesterday the freshmen make it a point to drop into the Houses early for interviews to avoid the last-minute rush.
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