
Trottenberg's Estimate Sets Claverly Damage at $30,000

Damage estimates for the Claverly fires were chopped in half yesterday. Arthur D. Trottenberg '45, Operating Manager of Houses and College Dormitories, told the CRIMSON that $30,000 was a conservative figure. Previous estimates ranged from $65,000 to $100,000.

Meanwhile, a Radcliffe official said that a disgruntled maid--who does not like to work in Briggs Hall--might have made Sunday night's phone call threatening a fire there--a fire which never occurred.

Police said the Claverly fires have no connection with the Radcliffe phone call. They added that they were still investigating the Annex affair and might make arrests soon.

Claverly Was Arson

Captain of Detectives Patrick F. Ready confirmed last night that the Claverly blazes were caused by an arsonist. "There is no doubt about it," Ready said.


University police are keeping close tabs on the dormitory to thwart future attempts at arson. Ready commented that a big fire in Claverly could kill many students. Officials had "no comment" when asked if they had found the student who is wanted for questioning.

Two officials of the State Fire Marshall's office, Michael F. Crowley and Patrick F. O'Conner are still investigating probable causes.
