
All College Weekend, April 27-28, Will Include 3 Dances, Lawn Party

"April in Paris" will be the theme of this year's All College Dance weekend, scheduled for April 27 and 28.

Plans for the two days include a showing by Ivy Films and two House dances Friday night, a lawn party Saturday afternoon, and the All College Dance Saturday night.

Saturday's dance in the Indoor Athletic Building will feature music by the Eliot Lawrence Band. WHDH's disc-jockey comedians, "Bob 'n Ray," will entertain during the intermission. A model of the Eiffel Tower is planned for the middle of the floor.

Fire Sale

Weekend tickets include the lawn party, Saturday's dance, and a double orchid corsage flown from Hawaii. Because of state fire laws which apply to the Blockhouse, only 800 tickets will be sold.


Dunster House's annual closed masquerade dance, and an open dance at Kirkland will be held Friday night.

Last year's All-College Weekend was called "Orchids and Moonlight."
