
Draft To Shut Out-of-Yard Quarters First

Expense, Unpopularity Dictate Decision; Oldest Yard Dorms Would Be Next in Shutdown

Dormitories outside the Yard will probably be the first to close under tentative plans for a decreased enrollment, it was learned yesterday.

The oldest Yard dorms are expected to shut next.

The "outhouses"--Claverly, Apley, and Dudley--will likely be put in moth balls first, since they are expensive, hard to maintain and unpopular with students. They are now used for the sophomore overflow from the Houses, and for those expelled from the Houses.

Dudley Commuters' Center is operated as a separate unit from the dormitory, and would undoubtedly remain unaffected by the shut-down.

Old Yard dormitories, such as Hollis and Stoughton, are easy to close and could be the next targets of mobilization. Present plans seem to indicate that freshmen would live in newer Yard dormitories like Wigglesworth and Straus. These buildings are easy to operate and are generally more desirable living quarters.


Edward Reynolds '15, Administrative Vice-President, has suggested closing sections of Houses instead of whole Houses, if the draft takes a large number of upperclassmen. But all plans are still in tentative stages.
