
Squashmen Beat Three Opponents

Victories over Trinity, Hartford, and Amherst last weekend continued the 'A' squash team's unbeaten season, although Captain Henry Foster lost his first match of the year. The Yardlings also remained unbeaten by downing the Lord Jeff freshmen, 7 to 2.

Foster, hampered by a head cold, lost to Bill Smith of Amherst on Saturday by scores of 15-7, 15-9, and 15-8. Last year Smith was seeded number one in the intercollegiate nationals. Foster had won nine consecutive matches up to this date. His teammates went on to win all the other matches, making the score 8 to 1 for the Crimson.

Friday, the Crimson played Trinity and Hartford Golf Club, winning 9 to 0, and 7 to 2, respectively. The Hartford team proved themselves the Crimson's toughest opponent this year, by taking two matches. No previous team has taken more than one.

The Yardlings won their seventh straight victory of the season in downing the Amherst freshmen.
