
Maids May Take War Plant Work

War plants may lure many maids from the University next year, Daniel G. Mulvihill, president of the University Employee's Union, predicted yesterday.

Several of the younger maids and those who started work recently would be especially attracted to the higher paying jobs, Mulvihill explained.

Mulvihill didn't think the possibility that maids may leave for war work was "anything to be alarmed at now." A cut in the number of maids may be necessary, if enrollment next year is seriously affected by the draft.

"I don't think the student porter idea would work though," Mulvihill said. The only reason he gave was that the students "wouldn't like it."

Some of the maids were angry because students told the CRIMSON that they thought the porters would "probably do a better job." "Just let them try it for a week," said one Dunster House maid. "They'll be begging to have us back."


Most College students are willing to try the porter plan, but on condition that they can change back if they don't like it. The University has put no such provision in the program.
