
Swimmers Meet Springfield

Crimson swimming teams should both come through this afternoon's meets still undefeated, but the varsity will have a hard time preserving its almost complete sweep of first places in its 4 p.m. contest at Springfield.

The Gymnasts are favored in the 200-yard breaststroke and the diving, and their familiarity with their 20-yard pool gives them some extra advantage. It will be the first time this year Crimson swimmers will perform off a one-meter board and in a five-yard short pool.

Coach Hal Ulen will use his normal lineup, with the slim possibility that Bob Tolf will swim the 440-yard freestyle. Dick Fouquet has filled in behind Doug Kinney since Tolf injurel his knee during Christmas vacation.

Bill Brooks' freshmen will have a more difficult time with Andover at 4:30 p.m. in the Indoor Athletic Building.
