
The Mail

Outraged Husband

To the Editors of the CRIMSON:

This letter is a little late because of the pressure of exam period. But I feel that this should be--nay must be said.

I am certain other readers will remember seeing your story about those girls at Whitman Hall, Radcliffe, who sent out 100 post-cards at random to various Harvard men to get dates for a party. Now it is not the purpose of this letter to question the type of girls who would be willing to ask 100 strange men to a dance. Nor is it my purpose to question the sensibleness of the authorities who would authorize such action.

But, sirs, I am a married man. I love my wife. And I got one of those postcards. I did not like it--not a bit. Didn't those girls realize what havoc such an invitation could create in an otherwise happy home? Families have been broken up by less than this, a direct attempt by a group of women to entice away one of the mates.

And, sirs, this is hardly a time when the nation can allow the sanctity of the home to be hurt by such irresponsible action. These are surely days when the home must be protected. Yet these cards were sent through the mails, under the protection of the Federal Government. What is this nation--and our youth--coming to? I ask you, what? John G. Bell '52
