
Freshmen Skaters Face Exeter Today

High-scorers Job Bray and Captain Norm Wood will be hoping to raise their records when the Yardling skaters meet Exeter away at 2 p.m. today.

Exeter, which has won five out of its last seven games, placed third in the Interscholastics held in Princeton's Baker Rink last December. The Yardlings have won six, lost one, and tied one.

On a comparative basis the Crimson is favored, since the Red and Gray fell 4 to 1 before Melrose's three-goal, third period rally and the Yardlings whitewashed the high school 3 to 0. Belmont Hill has defeated both teams--the freshmen, 5 to 4, and Exeter, 4 to 1.

The Exeter six also lost twice to the University of New Hampshire freshmen, 4 to 3 and 5 to 4. The Crimson freshmen blanked the Wildcats, 7 to 0, on Thursday.

Exeter is paced by a fast lineman, Captain and high-scorer George Hackle.
