
Blood Letting May Rank as U.S.'s Largest

Yesterday's Total Record 453 As Drive Goes to B School; 2,118 Total for Record Week

What may well turn out to have been the largest single blood drive in the nation, according to Phillips Brooks House officials, ended yesterday as Red Cross personnel evacuated Memorial Hall after a record week of donations. The drive moves across the river to the Business School Monday.

The total for the week was a record 2,118 pints. Yesterday's total of 453 pints broke the old record of 430, set on Thursday, for the largest number of donors in University history to turnout on any single day.

By the end of Wednesday's session, 1,234 pints had been donated, exactly 300 more than during the University's record breaking blood week last spring.

Record in Three Days

The Red Cross said it was definitely the biggest single contribution in Massachusetts recorded. And Phillip D. Levin 53, a P.B.H. blood chairman, announced that after only three days of giving that the University had scored an all-time record for a civilian collection in New England.


The blood-letting required from an hour to an hour and a half, complete from registration to post-letting Coke and cookies.
