
Local NSA Group Airs Forum Plans

Plans for a three-day "all-college conference" on foreign policy, sponsored by the University chapter of National Student Association, last night received temporary endorsement from a steering committee made up of eight extra-curricular organizations.

William Rosen 4G, of the NSA Graduate Council, said that Harvard, M.I.T., and Radcliffe would form the core of the conference. Because of transportation difficulties, he expected that other colleges in the area would not attend regularly.

The committee will announce the exact topic and a list of desired speakers next Thursday. The local NSA chapter, judging from a similar conference held last year, expects nearly 1,000 to turn out for the event tentatively scheduled for March 21, 22, and 23.

Proceeds from Ivy Films' performances of a documentary film program to be shown February 3 and February 20 will help finance the venture. Ivy Films will also act as publicity agent.
