
Radcliffe Council Makes Proposals

Radcliffe student council yesterday recommended several changes in the group tutorial plan proposed by a subcommittee of the College Committee on Educational Policy.

This report recommended group tutorial for all concentrators in the five largest fields, starting with the sophomore year. A maximum of six students would meet in each group and all would be graded in three categories: honors, passing, falling. Sophomore tutorial groups, the report suggested, might replace section meetings in certain large courses. Groups would meet in the Houses and in the Radcliffe tutorial house on Appian Way.

Council suggested yesterday that sections should not be replaced by the tutorial groups because this would be unfair to freshmen and non-concentrators, and that tutorial should not be restricted by single course limits. The Annex council also recommended that instead of a single pass or fail grade, each student should receive yearly a written report on his work. These reports, not single grades, would be incorporated into individual permanent records; the Council thought the single-grade system would be unfair in borderline cases.

A third recommendation called for enough afternoon meetings of all groups so that girls would not be required to attend evening meetings in the Houses if they did not want to.
