Abolition of all bowl and post-season football games was recommended last night by both the special committee on the improvement of intercollegiate athletics of the Eastern College Athletic Conference in New York and the ten college presidents studying intercollegiate sports in Washington.
When the ECAC holds the final session of its annual meeting today it will discuss this recommendation and six others in which the committee urged abolition or limitation of spring football practice, pre-season basketball drills, reconsideration of football's unlimited substitution rule, and a general tightening up of restrictions on recruiting and subsidizing. Another committee will report on football television.
Presidents Make 5 Points
Meanwhile, in Washington, Dr. John Hanna, president of Michigan State and chairman of the committee of the ten educators, said they were unanimously agreed that: 1) sports competition should be confined to its season. Football should be played from September to "about December first." 2) "Lavish entertainment of prospective stars" should be prohibited. 3) Freshmen should be barred from varsity teams. 4) College athletes should be made to maintain grades good enough to get them a degree in four years, and those who cannot keep up should be barred from competition. 5) Booster and alumni clubs should not be allowed to give scholarships directly to athletes, and all funds should be handled by the schools themselves.
Violators of the committee's recommendations would jeopardize their academic standings. The American Council on Education, which set up the committee has no power to enforce its decisions; however, Hanna said. "Its influence is so great that any decision it reaches carries great weight."
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