
Class Vote for '52 Council Held Today

With only eight men running, what looks like a very apathetic election for Council class representative takes place in the Houses today. Dudley started voting yesterday and will finish this noon. Two men from the sophomore and junior classes will be chosen to take office in February. Last year 14 hopefuls battled it out. The votes will be cast at lunch and supper, and counted tonight.

Sophomore candidates are H. Lester Medlinsky of Winthrop, Daniel L. Ritchie of Lowell, and incumbent Paul D. Sheats of Eliot. Juniors Joseph R. Cataldo of Dudley, John J. Jennings of Winthrop, and John R. Lovett of Adams will battle it out with incumbent Councilmen Thomas Hoya of Kirkland and Richard E. Johnson of Dunster, who are running for reelection.
