
PBK Chooses Sixteen From Senior Group

Sixteen seniors were elected to Phi Beta Kappa last night. They are Hugh Amory, of Dover and Kirkland, English; Richard J. Barnet 1L, of Brookline and Eliot, Slavic languages; Leo Bersani, of Katonah, N.Y. and Leverett, Romance languages; Donald L. Blackmer, of Andover and Lowell. History and Literature; Gaynor F. Bradish, of Schenectady, N.Y. and Dunster, English; and Melvin W. Brown, of Conotton. Ohio and Lowell, Chemistry.

Also Paul F. Cooper, Jr., of Albany, N.Y. and Lowell, Greek; Marshall P. Ernstene, of Cleveland and Adams, Physics; Helmut J.F. Furth, of Washington, D.C. and Dunster, History and Literature; Jerrold B. Lanes, of Brookline and Lowell, History and Literature; John L. Lewis, Jr., of Austin, Texas and Dunster, Social Relations; and George R. Murray, of Dayton, Ohio and Eliot, Biochemical Sciences.

Also Gerhard Rayna, of New York and Kirkland, Mathematics. Walter Schelder, of Princeton, N.J. and Lowell. ESAP; Alan R. Trustman, of Brookline and Lowell, Government; and Frank O. Wyse, of Milwaukee, Wis and Lowell, Mathematics.
