

The Mail

To the Editors of the CRIMSON:

Appealing as is the Student Council's recently expressed desire for a fatherly Master, it would surely be more fulfilled by a mothery Mistress. It is respectively proposed that the wives of the Master and of the Senior Tutor in each House assume the positions of Master and Senior Tutor respectively, thereby freeing their husbands for the positions of Assistant-Superintendent and Night Man.

In the interest partly of economy but chiefly of the greater hapiness of the College, it is further proposed that members of the House Committees occupy the rooms and perform the duties of Resident Tutors, in turn freeing them for service at the steam-tables and, if that prove inefficient, as porters. We shall be glad to elaborate the details of this plan, contenting ourselves here with a sketch of large principles. John H. Finley, Master of Eliot House   Howard E. Hugo, Senior Tutor
