
Yale Considers Ending Off-Season Basketball In De-Emphasis Move

Yale Athletic Director Robert A. Hall last night told the CRIMSON that the Board of Athletic Control which regulates Yale sports is at present considering the end of spring and summer basketball at the New Haven school.

Earlier this month Hall had said that Yale's ending spring football was only part of a re-examination of the entire problem of out-of-season sports. His statement of last night indicates that basketball may be next on the list.

Announcement May Come in Spring

If Yale does decide to stop the four-week spring practice which it schedules now, Hall said, the announcement would probably not be made until next term.

In addition to having a regular spring practice, the Yale basketball team last summer went on an extended tour of Central American countries.


At the same time last night, Hall revealed that no trace has been found of the student or group of students who painted red "H's" and "'55's" on the Walter Camp Memorial Gate in New Haven.
