
Inn Manager Hits Building Official

Mrs. Vangel Misho, manager of the Kirkland Inn, last night claimed that the Cambridge Inspector of Buildings had conducted an irregular investigation and had said he would drop all charges against her establishment if she would agree to stop advertising. The charges field in June stated she had violated zoning laws.

Her husband told the CRIMSON Sunday that he believed the Inspector acted at the instigation of the Hotel Commander, which he accused of trying to run him and his wife out of business.

Mrs. Misho said yesterday: "Last June, I got a summons from the court about operating an inn without a license, and went down to an attorney to ask him to find out who had made the complaint against me and on what grounds. The attorney informed me the complaint came from Mr. Spencer's (the inspector's) office.

"My attorney also said that Mr. Spencer had told him that if I dropped my advertising, he would drop the charges. I refused."

Mrs. Misho went on to tell how she and her husband went to court and were found guilty on the lodging house charge on the testimony of two witnesses, who had received advertising matter from her.
