
Culprits Daub Eli Gate With Crimson Hues

Unknown pranksters painted bright red "H's" all over Yale's Walter Camp Memorial Gate at New Haven last Friday night, and Robert A. Hall, director of athletics at Yale, who reported the incident to the CRIMSON yesterday described the action as "more than thoughtless."

Policemen on duty at the Bowl Friday night said a group of students engaged them in conversation around midnight. During this time, apparently, accomplices were busy defacing the monument which may have to be restored by sandblasting.

Contributions from students all over the country helped build the huge gate which dominates Yale's athletic fields, as a tribute to the great all-American halfback who captained Eli teams in 1878, '79, and '80.

A similar dubious incident occurred here three years ago when 12 Brown students splashed brown paint on several buildings in the Yard and inscribed "B-R-O-W-N" over five pillars of Widener on the eve of the 1948 Bruin football game.
