
City Council Applauds College's Blood Totals

The Cambridge City Council yesterday unanimously paid tribute to the University's student body and the Phillips Brooks House blood committee which jointly raised 3,017 pints of blood for the armed forces. Councillor Edward J. Sullivan's resolution thanked the students for their "pride, generosity, and patriotism."

Meanwhile, the City Traffic Board failed to hand over to the Council its survey of over-night parking locations near municipal commons and play grounds. Mayor Edward A. Crane '35, who had expected that the report would be received yesterday, stated that he now thought it would be another week before the Council could take any action.

Edgar Davis, the City Engineer who is making the survey, said yesterday that he did not know how much longer it would take to complete his findings. It will probably be discussed at the Traffic Board meeting tomorrow and may be handed complete to the Council after that session.
