
Advocate Will Publish Faulkner Commentary

The Advocate tomorrow will publish a comprehensive study of author William Faulkner, winner of the 1950 Nobel Prize for literature.

Ten months in preparation, the 44-page issue will present 12 commentaries on Faulkner, plus the text of a speech by the author himself. In 1940, the magazine presented a similar issue devoted to the modern American poet, Wallace Stevens '10.

Included in the issue will be work by Albert Guerard, Jr., associate professor of English, and Archibald MacLeish, Boylston Professor of Rhetoric and Oratory. Others contributing are Conrad Aiken, Cleanth Brooks, Albert Camus, Carvel Collins, Leonard Doran, Pierre Emmanuel, Jerome Gavin, Alfred Kazin, Thomas Mann, and John Crowe Ransom.
