Chafee staged that "all sedition bills are dangerous. No one can tell how far they will be carried. Eventually, they will be used against innocent people, not the ones meant by the original drafters of such bills."
Kirtely Mather, professor of Geology has not seen the bill in its final form but said. "It is a very and things for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts when the legislature passes a measure which was not available for the individual legislators to examine carefully."
Mather said that only one copy of the measure was available to members of the House. And this was a "patchwork affair pasted of sheets of paper. some of which were typed and some in longhand."
Schlesinger Jr. said he had not seen the text but that it was "a bad and entirely useless bill."
"I wish that Governor Dever had had the courage Governor Adlai Stevenson of Illinois who vetoed the same type of a hill last year.
Howe. Chafee and other professors have already sent letters to Dever protesting they action.
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