
HLU to Sponsor Pacifist Speaker

Cecil Hinshaw, banned earlier this fall from speaking at Ohio State University will address the Liberal Union next Wednesday in the Winthrop Junior Common Room at 8 p.m. Hinshaw, a Quaker pacifist and member of the Fellowship of Reconciliation, will appear with McGeorge Bundy, associate professor of Government on the subject of Power Pacifism, and Peace."

Last October Hinshaw was barred from addressing a forum on the Ohio State campus by President Howard Bevis Bevis was upholding the ruling just voted on by the school's Board of Trustees which states that "The facilities of the University will not be made available to known Communists or members of other groups who seek to undermine the basic liberties of America." The trustees left it to Bevis discretion as to who would be judged subversive.

The regulation was protested as an infringement of academic freedom by the Ohio State Lantern, the student newspaper, and the Faculty Council.

Hinshaw finally spoke off campus. He is the only person yet to be affected by the ruling, and has repeatedly denied that he is a Communist.
