
15 Crimson Teams Play at New Haven Today

Win-less '55 Football Team Underdogs Today Against Once-Beaten Yalie Powerhouse

A powerful Bulldog freshman eleven, undefeated until it met Princeton last week, is ready today at New Haven to give the Yardling squad one of its toughest battles this year. Game time is 2 p.m.

With five straight losses on the record, the Crimson freshmen make their last try today for their initial victory. But the outlook is not a bright one against a Yale team whose offense was called "very impressive" by the Cornell Daily Sun.

Last week the Bullpups finally went down to an undefeated Princeton squad, by a count of 13 to 7. On the preceding Saturday, an improved Dartmouth freshman squad had fought Yale to a 6 to 6 deadlock. Although the Yardlings outclassed the Indians in losing to them 2 to 0 on a freak safety, the team that met Yale was considerably improved.

Coach Bob Margarita will field a team that is defensively strong. In five defeats, the Yardlings have yielded the surprisingly small total of 81 points, and 46 of these were scored in one contest by Brown.

But the offense, which has been consistently weak, is another question. The '55 team has scored only 13 points all season, and they came in one game. It has been blanked by Andover, Worcester Academy, Dartmouth, and the jayvees.


The team will be at full offensive strength for today's encounter. Most of the passing will probably be handled by Paul Murphy, working in the left halfback position from a single wing formation. The foremost serial specialist on the eleven, he will be backed up by Joe Conzelman.
