
Bingham Resigns For Defense Post

Quits Position as Head of Faculty Group; Conant Praises His 'Athletics for All' Plans

William J. Bingham '16 severed all ties with the University yesterday when be resigned as Chairman of the Faculty Committee on Athletics to accept a position in "vital defense work" at Washington.

President Conant, in accepting Bingham's surprise resignation, expressed the "deep appreciation" of the Corporation for his more than 25 years' service as athletics director, and for developing an intramural sports program "so that athletics for all has become more of a reality here than in other American colleges."

The University made no further explanation of the type of defense work Bingham would enter. During World War II, Bingham was commissioned as a major and served as Director of Security and intelligence until 1945, when he was discharged with the rank of lieutenant colonel.

No word on Successes

Neither was there any indication when the new chairman of the Faculty Committee on Athletics would be appointed. University officials, however, thought that a replacement would be made shortly.


After abruptly resigning last February as Director of Athletics, a post he held since 1926, Bingham took over the chairmanship of the Faculty Committee on Athletics, effective July 1. At this time, crew coach Thomas D. Bolles became Director of Athletics.

Yesterday's announcement marks the end of a long career at the University for Bingham. He was responsible for the "athletics for all" policy which he instituted shortly after his appointment as Director of Athletics. After the Houses were built in 1930-31, this policy developed into the intramural sports program. For every year since then, the Straus Trophy has been given to the House with the outstanding athletic teams.

Was Rules Chairman

Last year, Bingham completed a long term as chairman of the powerful Foot ball Rules Committee of the National Collegiate Athletic Association. His policy of maintaining strictly amateur athletic standards often brought him under attack from many persons but brought him praise from others.

At the Open-Closed all-star House foot ball game a week ago, the CRIMSON presented Bingham with an engraved cup. The inscription read; "William John Bingham, Director of Athletics, 1926-51. The man who made athletics for all reality."
