
H.L.U. Fights Red Bill With Petition

Students opposed to the State legislature's anti-Red bill will have a chance to sign a Liberal Union petition demanding that Governor Dever veto the measure when it reaches his desk. The petition will be in all University dining halls today at lunch and supper.

Despite its opposition to the bill, the Young Republicans Clubs has decided not to back the H.L.U. action. "There is no surer way of getting the bill through than by having Harvard students sign a petition against it." H.Y.R.C. president John B. Harrington 3L said yesterday. He added that the G.O.P. group plans to fight the bill by using its influence in Massachusetts political circles.

The petition says the bill's provisions for regulating meetings and assemblies are a serious threat to academic freedom, and claims the measure would make "speech and not action the criterion by which a man may be judged subversive."


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