
Young Democrats Fail To Re-Form Club Here

There is no student Democratic Club in the College this year. The group did not hand in an application for a charter, and its name did not appear on the club list that Dean Watson released yesterday.

Chester A. Salkind, president of last year's Students for Democratic Action, explained that "there is not enough interest this year." He added that interest had been falling off since the last presidential election, and that some former S.D.A. members had joined the Liberal Union. He prodicted the club's reactivation next year, in time for presidential elections.

The Law School Democratic Club, however, swung into action, 50 strong, and elected Theodore Rudzik 21, president in its first official meeting of the year. During the Cambridge elections, the club managed Ward Six, Precinct One, of the Cambridge Civic Association and got pluralities for six of their candidates for City Council.
