
NSA Plans Seminar for Far East; Students to Air Mutual Problems

The National Student Association is trying to organize a seminar for South East Asia next summer, it was learned last night. It would follow the patterns of N.S.A. seminars held last July, and the summer before at Seeshaupt and Koenigstein in Germany. The Seeshaupt seminar was directed by an international commission which included Carl M. Sapers '53 and Richard Sandler '52. Both ventures were financed by the Rockefeller Foundation and by John J. McCloy, U.S. High Commissioner for Germany.

The intention of the project would be to give Far Eastern students an idea of how their contemporaries in the West dealt with problems like their own. The agenda might include problems of housing, co-ops, and student governments.

N.S.A. leaders emphasize that a great deal of work still has to be done before any of the round table conferences can take place. A site has yet to be found, as well as staffing personnel. But a start has been made, and many student leaders in the projected area have been contacted.
