
Bender Lauds Proposal For House Deans

House Deans Proposal Differs In Three Ways From Report; Vote Comes Up in December

The plan to decentralize the Dean's Office to the Houses differs from the Bender Report in three respects, Dean Bender said yesterday. But, he added, "it is essentially what we wanted."

Last Tuesday, the Faculty of Arts and Sciences discussed the plan, but did not vote on it. Final consideration will come at the group's next meeting sometime in December. The proposal eliminates the three assistant deans for upperclassmen, Senior Tutors in the Houses, and the Commuters' Graduate Secretary.

Senior Tutors

The report, Bender stated, asks that the title of House Dean be used, but the final draft calls them Senior Tutors. Only those with the rank of associate professor or higher would be considered for the post of Senior Tutor, but now that is left open. In respect to the commuters, the report recommended distributing them to the Houses. Under the present plan, commuters would have their own dean.

Whether or not the Senior Tutor will be in residence at the Houses will be left up to the tutor himself. The facilities which the Houses provide to house the tutor and his family, if he has one, will also be a factor that will limit residence.
