The Cambridge Civic Association retains its majority of endorsed members of the City Council as a result of election tabulations completed Saturday.
Reelected were the "good government" group's five councillors. The opposition, running as "independents" elected four--the same that had on the present council.
The new City Council, in order of election: Mayor Edward A. Crane '35 (CCA), Edward J. Sullivan (Ind) and Joseph A. DeGuglielmo '29 (CCA), Hyman Pill (CCA), Francis L. Sennott (Ind), John J. Foley (Ind), John D. Lynch ((Ind) Chester A. Higley (CCA) W. Donnision Swan '19 (CCA). The only new councillor is Sennott, who was Cambridge's last mayor under the former system of government--Plan A. Cambridge now has Plan E. with a city manager and a nine man council.
Thomas M. MacNamara, an independent, was the single defeated member of the present council.
The only threat to the CCA majority came Friday night when the independents received a large number of firsts. However, when first choices were counted out, and seconds and thirds tabulated Saturday morning the CCA picked up enough to place a majority.
Today counting begins for the School Committee of sex members. In the present committee the CCA has three endorsed members.
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