
Jordan Postpones Election Of Lowenstein's Successor

A temporary "game captain" will lead the football team in the Columbia game, Coach Lloyd Jordan said yesterday, after the squad's last home workout. The team leaves for New York at 9:15 a.m. today.

More definite action on a permanent successor to the drafted Carroll Lowenstein will have to wait until next week, Jordan added.

"I, myself, am in favor of an elected captain," he said. "Because only he can give a team the regular leadership it needs."

Jordan said, however, that he had been advised to delay an election for at least a week, because of the possibility, faint though it is, that Lowenstein may return this season.

The football team has operated under a sort of game captain plan, anyhow. When Lowenstein was not on the field, another player was appointed acting captain to decide questions of penalties.


Linebackers Red Lewis and Bainy Frothingham have filled this function so far, but Jordan said he would wait until Saturday before picking the captain for the Columbia game.
