
Lowenstein Sworn into the Army; Jordan Discusses New Captaincy

Football Captain Carroll Lowenstein was inducted into the Army at 11 a.m. yesterday morning. The new Faculty Committee on Athletic Sports, in a first meeting that ran late last night at Eliot House, discussed the election of a successor.

Lowenstein reported at the Boston Army Base at 6:30 a.m. and by 11 had passed the physical examinations and was sworn in. He left immediately by bus for Fort Devons, after calling Coach Lloyd Jordan.

Jordan said early yesterday after noon that he had spoken to Director of Athletics Tom Bolles concerning Harvard policy in choosing a successor to a sports captain lost at mid-season. At the time Bolles invited Jordan to express his views at the first meeting of the new committee, which started about 6:30 p.m.

Bolles said yesterday that no immediate action had been decided upon.
