
Band Forced to Forego Cornell Trip This Fall

Financial Deficit Will Prevent Musicians From Making Trip For First Time Since 1930's

For the first time since before the war the band may be forced to stay home while the football team plays on an eastern gridiron, band manager Frank W. Hopkins '52 revealed last night.

According to Hopkins the band will not be able to afford the $2,000 necessary to transport the 154 piece organization to Ithaca for the Cornell game on October 12.

The reason for the financial deficit is two-fold, Hopkins stated: 1) contributions from alumni have not yet been received and are not expected until later this season. 2) it is too early in the year for substantial revenues to be realized from the multiple band activities such as concerts and recordings.

Normally the Harvard Athletic Association pays the band expenses for one away game each year. This year it will finance the Yale game, with the money for the Columbia trip coming from the backlog stored up last spring.

Monetary assessment of band members was called "out of the question," by Hopkins because of the heavy expenses band members incurred at the beginning of the year when they paid for their uniforms.


Only once has the band missed a game since regular football was resumed at Harvard in 1946, the Stanford game. At that time, 1948, a fund raising campaign supported by Harvard alumni and Cambridge businessmen fell just short of the amount required to take the musicians to California
