
Offensive on Ground, in Air Gives Green 33-0 Win Against JV Eleven

The jayvee football team's offense was about as evident as a mouse in a cattle stampede yesterday as the Dartmouth junior varsity coasted to a 33 to 0 victory over the Crimson at Soldiers Field. The game was almost a repeat of last year's 38 to 0 Indian victory.

The Crimson never go inside the Dartmouth 25-yard line, and only three times managed to move the ball into Big Green territory at all. Quarterback Bob Gremp, rushed all afternoon by a strong Dartmouth line, was almost totally ineffective as a passer.

Early in the game Dartmouth found one rather serious Crimson weakness an inability to break up pass plays either at the line of scrimmage or in the backfield. So led by quarterbacks Jim Churchill and Jack Reilly, the Indians passed Harvard silly in the first quarter. After passes had set up the scores, halfback Bill Daley twice plunged over for touchdowns.

Dartmouth's passing was just as effective in the second quarter as Reilly tossed to back Kestrel Person for a third touchdown. With the acorn 20 to 0 in their favor, the Indians got a gift tally in the third period when a squad of Crimson linemen caught Reilly far behind the line, and then mercifully let him go. The gawky quarterback took advantage of this by throwing a long pass to end Bill Boyle who raced to the Crimson ten yard line. Three plays later Stan Clark scored off tackle.

After Dartmouth's third period score, Gremp completed a pass to end Bill Hickey to the Indian 40-yard line, but an interception on the next play ended the threat.


Fullback Don Shambles added the Big Green's final touchdown in the last period following a Crimson fumble on its own is-yard line. Shortly before the score another Gremp pass to Hickey got the Crimson to the visitors' 25, but the drive failed.
