By midnight last night, the British Conservatives were within reach of election victory, after having captured 11 Labour districts, with a loss of only one. With 323 seats tabulated. Attlee's Socialists still led by 175 to the Tories' 145. But full Conservative strength was yet to appear, for results were still to come in from the rural districts, most of which are Tory strongholds.
A swing of Liberal Party strength to the Tory side was a decisive factor, and the "Orphan" vote went Conservative in districts where it hurt Labour most. Tabulations resumed at 6 a.m. (FST) this morning.
Pictured above is a group of English students from the University who spent much of last night listening to BBC short wave reports of the results. The Harvard men formed part of a large group of British's gathering for the occasion at Boston's English Speaking Union.
Gerald O'Brein, the Conservatives' press spokesman, predicted Churchill's followers would finish with a majority of 30 to 35 seats in the Commons.
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