
Brewster Will Discuss Japan In Law Forum

The Law School Forum opens its 1951-52 series in New Lecture Hall tonight at 8 p.m. with a discussion on "A Place for Japan." Maine Republican Senator Owen Brewster, John K. Fairbank '29, professor of History, and Nieman Fellow Robert P. "Pepper" Martin, are the speakers, while Professor Harold J. Berman of the Harvard Law School will moderate.

Topics up for discussion include the status of the new Japan, the effect of the treaty on U.S.-Soviet relations, the treaty's impact on Communist-controlled countries in the Far East, and the possible rearmament of Japan as a link in the Pacific defense perimeter.

Brewster Law Grad

Representative, Senator and former Governor of Maine, Brewster has served in Washington since 1934, and graduated from the Law School in 1913.

An authority on Far Eastern relations, Fairbank was in the news in September when the Army refused him permission to visit Japan on a sabbatical this year. Martin, after escaping from Japanese Internment in Shanghal, later covered the Pacific theatre and the Chinese civil war for Time and Life.


Before the Forum, Senator Brewater will also address the Young Republican Club, at 4:15 p.m. in the Dunster Large Common Room.
