After a full month of rehearsals and ballyhoo, the Band will unveil its Dartmouth Concert at 8:15 p.m. tonight in Sanders Theatre.
"The program, which is divided into two sections, is an interesting, unusual, and difficult one," commented Concert Chairman Peter Strauss '54 last night. Over 850 tickets have been sold for the affair, and additional seats will be available at the door.
"A Musical Revue of the Football Season," is the theme of the first half of the concert. The band will execute, the Springfield, Holy Cross, Columbia, Cornell, West Point, and Crimson medleys, all arranged by Leroy Anderson '29 and John A. Finnegan '47. At the Army-Harvard contest, Finnegan's "Crimson Medley" was presented for the first time.
Several arrangements by John Philip Sousa will round out the first portion of the program.
In the second part, "Harvardiana," by Raymond G. Williams '11, and "Yo-Ho," by Richmond K. Fletcher '08, will be led by the authors. The Band will also execute "Veritas", "Up the Street", and three numbers, with Moussorgsky's "The Great Gate of Kiev" ending the concert.
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