
HYRC Hits HLU On Use of Terms

The Young Republican Club has reissued its challenge to the Liberal Union to define its conception of the word "liberal" and to justify in an open debate its use of the terms "liberal" and "non-partisan" in describing the organization.

According to a spokesman for the local Republicans, the H.L.U. answer to their original challenge completely ignored the request that they define their use of the word liberal and instead launched a personal attack on individuals associated with the H.Y.R.C.

The H.Y.R.C., the spokesman continued, has demonstrated its value repeatedly, most recently by forming the most powerful backing for a liberal program at last summer's National Young Republican Convention. Th H.L.U., the H.Y.R.C. claims, has done little outside of sending telegrams of dubious value, and although it claims to be non-partisan, the only Republican it has ever supported was a man running for a minor county office.
