
Yale De-Emphasizes Crimson Game, Switches Over to Dartmouth Instead

The Harvard weekend will not be the big blowout of the Yale football season this year, the CRIMSON learned last night. Instead, the Elis will do most of their dancing and drinking in honor of their game against Dartmouth on November 3.

The reason for the switch from Harvard as the traditional big weekend is the fact that the Crimson-Blue game this year will take place two days after Thanksgiving. The Yalies, unlike the Harvards, have the Friday and Saturday after Thanksgiving as holidays and consequently a great many of them go home.

This situation has not arisen since the war because the game has usually come before Thanksgiving. Last year, Turkey Day came first, but the game was in Cambridge.

At present, three of the ten Yale colleges have no dances at all planned for the Harvard weekend on November 24. In the past, a Yale student official said last night, "all the colleges have had dances for the Harvard weekend when the game was in New Haven. For the Dartmouth weekend all" but two of the colleges will have some sort of dance.

Yale weekend dances are of two main varities--the dinner dance from 6 to 8:30 p.m. and the "late dance" from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. A great many of these dances will be held on Friday and be closed to all but members of the colleges involved and their close friends.


At the late dances, three of which are scheduled for the Harvard weekend, alcoholic punch is usually served and women may remain in student rooms until 1 a.m.
