
Cross Country Squad Races B.U., Brown

The varsity cross country team travels to Providence today to race Brown and Boston University on the five mile Brown course. Bill McCurdy will continue to run the team in the absence of Jaakko Mikkola.

The Crimson will be attempting to rebound from its defeat at the hands of Rhode Island State in a quad meet at White Stadium Friday. Both Brown and Boston University reportedly have strong squads.

Crimson captain Dave Gregory will face his stiffest opposition of the year in B.U.'s sophomore, John Kelly, and Brown's bill Molineau. Kelly was boomed as one of the greatest runners in this area last year but never did live up to expectations. Molineau has been an out standing miler on the Brown track team for the past two years and last year had a near perfect cross country record.

The freshmen will run against Brown and B.U. yearling squads. Not much is known about the strength of either opponent.
