
Varsity Works on 'T' For Cornell Contest

Junior John MacNamara ran at the first-string tailback position yesterday as the varsity football team scrimmaged in preparation for Saturday's game with Cornell. The team leaves for Ithaca at 10 p.m. tonight by sleeper.

MacNamara, who has been bothered on and off for the last few weeks with a sore leg, ran in place of regular tailback Dick Clasby. Clasby is suffering from a pulled muscle, and did not scrimmage. He did work out along the sidelines, however, and should be ready for Saturday's contest.

Both Teams Use T

The Crimson offensive squads worked hard on various T-formation plays in addition to their regular single-wing repertoire. Gil O'Neill and Bob Hardy were the T quarterbacks. At the far end of the field the jayvees used Cornell plays against the first-string defense, and gained fairly consistently. Particularly impressive was the passing combination of quarterback Bob Gremp and end Pete Brooke.

Newly-elected Captain Warren "Red" Wylie worked out with the team at his regular wingback and safety-man spots.
