
College Gives New Enlistment Policy

New Program Explains Rules About Course Credit, Expenses

The University yesterday released a four-point plan dealing with students who enlist in the Armed Forces before completing their regular course of study here. The announcement, touching on course credit, tuition, and board and lodging charges was released by Dean Gill after a four-hour Administrative Board meeting in University Hall yesterday afternoon.

The new regulations go into effect immediately, and concern only those students who leave College to enter the Service.

A previous ruling allows for a "Leave of Absence" status under which students will automatically be permitted to re-enter College after their service terms are complete. This ruling is contingent upon previous good standing, satisfactory service record, and acceptance by the Hygiene Department.

Cumulative Credit Explanation

The first two points in the new program are further explanations of the cumulative credit plan adopted earlier this term by the College. Under this ruling students may receive cumulative credit for work completed prior to entrance into the Services.


The plan revolves around a two-week period of grace the University will allow once the student receives notification from a particular branch of the service. Under the system any exams a student is supposed to take in a two week period before he must report for duty can be avoided, providing the student makes a special agreement with the instructor of his course.

Basis for Grades

The instructor is obligated to submit some mark for any student who applies under this regulation. The basis for the grade is up to the instructor and may vary from no further academic requirements in cases where sufficient evidence of the student's knowledge is available to regular three-hour exams which will be given before the regularly scheduled date.

An example of that would be if a student has enlisted and has orders to report for active duty on February 14. He would be required to take all exams scheduled before February 1 at the regular time. However, by presenting his notification to the Dean's Office and to the instructors in any courses which have exams between February 1 and 14, he may make an agreement through which he will receive full credit for the latter courses.

The second point deals with students who decide to enlist during the regular semester. The University still offers the student two full weeks at home before he must report for service. If the call is to come ten weeks after the semester has started, through the cumulative credit system the student may receive a full semester's credit for work he has already done. The method of determining the grade is still up to the course instructors.

If the student's enlistment comes before ten weeks of the semester has elapsed he receives no academic credit.

The second section of the program deals with the consideration in financial matters given to students who enlist. Board and lodging will be charged only as long as the student is enrolled. Once the student submits his 14-day notification he may request a refund of any money paid for accommodations post that day.

Tuition is treated slightly differently. Here a student has a choice between receiving his cumulative credit or having his tuition refunded. The choices are mutually exclusive.
