
Make-up Exams Head Agenda for First '51 Council Meeting Tonight

Make-up exams, football tickets, television, and appointments to the new Student Council are the top items on the agenda of tonight's council meeting, the first of the year 1951.

The group will discuss an Administrative Board suggestion to the Committee on Educational Policy that seniors who miss exams--with or without excuses--and who have the permission of the instructor, the chairman of the department, and the dean, may take make-up exams.

Seniors with excuses (medical or otherwise) would pay $10 for new exams, those without excuses $20.

Under the proposal, other undergraduate students would not take new exams, but without excuses could enroll in the courses in question for $20 the next time they were offered; at present students must pay the regular fee of $150 for repeating courses.

Neale C. Bringhurst '51 will recommend to the council that limitations be placed on the number of football tickets each student may purchase to games; on the basis of systems in use at Yale, Princeton, and other Ivy League colleges, he urges a maximum purchase of six tickets per man to avoid scalping.


The council will also discuss a plan started at Sarah Lawrence College, that universities write the Federal Communications Commission urging that several of the limited number of television channels be left open for possible use by educational organizations.
