
Entries Open for Boylston Contest

Applications for the annual Boylston Prize competition for Public Speaking are now available and must be filed in Warren House 3 by March 1, the English Department announced Friday.

Candidates will be judged on the declamation of an English, Latin, or Greek poetry or prose passage not exceeding ten minutes. Archibald MacLeish, Boylston Professor of Rhetoric and Oratory, and Frederick C. Packard '20, assistant professor of Public Speaking, will choose eight or ten finalists from all the applicants in tryouts beginning March 15 in New Lecture Hall.

Each candidate may choose his passage for recitation and must state it on his application. Last year's two first prizes went to William C. Becker '51 and James Harkless, Jr. '52. Awards in the competition consist of two prizes of $35 and three of $25.
